If your gift box contains breakages and damaged products when it arrives on a courier service, please contact us within 48 hours to file a claim. See section 8 of the Terms of Sale, our policy on damaged or defective products. If it arrives damaged on a postal service, unfortunately it is not insured and no compensation is available.
If the recipient has not received the parcel, please be sure to check the tracking number if a tracked service was used. If the tracking status says that it has been delivered, we suggest first asking the recipient to check with their neighbours, or someone who might have a similar address in case it might have been delivered there by mistake. If they still cannot locate the parcel, contact us as soon as possible. However, if the tracking number says it has not been delivered, please note that delays can happen for many reasons, including customs delays and bad weather. If you require further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us.