7 Things You Didn’t Know About Mince Pies

A classic Christmas treat, the mince pie has a curious history. In the UK it’s hard to get through the festive season without indulging in a buttery bite, but did you know that many countries wouldn’t know a mince pie if they saw one?


1/ Mince Pie Magic

According to tradition, you must always make a wish on the first mince pie you eat during the Christmas season. It may be too late now, but remember for next year!

2/ Mince or Mince?

Most people have questioned why these little pastry pies are named what they are. The early mince pie was known by several names, including mutton pie, Christmas pie and shrid pie, as they typically contained minced meat and were savoury, hence the name.

3/ Is bigger better? We don’t think so…

Through history mince pies got smaller and smaller, until they became the perfect bite size in which we know them. We love them like this, but in America you will rarely get a small mince pie – they are generally full-sized pies intended (but not solely) for sharing.

4/ Spicy Symbols

The cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg ingredients were included to represent the gifts given to Jesus by the three Kings, making them a traditional Christmas snack.

5/ They’re Not Actually British!

British crusaders returned from the Middle East in the 13th Century bringing back recipes of a version of these delicious pies which included meats, fruits and spices, inspiring our classic mince pie that we devour today. But don’t worry – we are still including them in our Christmas Gift Box!

6/ A Couple of Unusual Ingredients…

Early recipes included hard-boiled eggs and cheese!

7/ They are Illegal

Well… not anymore. They were banned during Oliver Cromwell’s reign over England, as anything related to what they saw as frivolous, godless tradition was made illegal.

Missing mince pies whilst you are abroad? Or know someone who might be? Our Christmas Gift Boxes both include the delicious pastry treats, so order one by Friday the 14th December (find specific pre-Christmas delivery dates here) to ensure the box arrives by Christmas Day!

Order Christmas Nibbles British Gift Box

Order Christmas Nosh British Gift Box


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Congratulations to our Christmas Competition Winner!!

Thank you to everyone who entered our Christmas competition to send a British Gift Box to a loved one abroad. We had an amazing response and want to thank you for liking, sharing, commenting and tagging our competition.

The draw has been made and the lucky winner is Kim Dickinson who wanted to send the Christmas Nibbles Box to a loved one in the USA….congratulations Kim!

We will contact Kim very shortly to get the recipient and delivery details from her so that the box of Christmassy goodies can be delivered to the States in good time before Christmas.

We look forward to seeing some pictures once it arrives!

Thank you again to everybody who entered and please stay tuned for future competitions.

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Don’t Miss Our Christmas Competition!

Win a Christmas Gift Box to send to a Loved One Abroad!

To celebrate the launch of our Christmas Gift Boxes, we’re giving away a Christmas Nibbles box for one lucky winner to send to family or friends abroad!

Simply click below to enter, and we’ll deliver a box of Christmas goodies for the winner to anywhere in the world… and they will absolutely love you for it!

Enter here!

Increase your Chances of Winning – Get your Friends to Enter Too!

Share this with your friends because if they enter and win, then you will win a Christmas Nibbles Gift Box too! The more friends who enter, the more chance you have of winning, so just ask them to identify your name in the ‘I heard about this from’ box in their entry.

Competition closes 2nd December 2018 for winners will be notified and Boxes dispatched in time for Christmas. Terms Apply.

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Don’t Let Friends Abroad Miss a Fantastic Halloween!

For us, Halloween brings back memories of spooky parties, trick or treating, apple bobbing, fake cobwebs and most importantly, sweets! For the little ones, it’s about getting together with friends for some fun (and a couple of parents to make sure there isn’t too much Halloween havoc!), all dressed up in the scariest costume they can find and trick or treating the neighbours for sweets and chocolates (candy to our American friends). That doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy Halloween when you get older with ever more spectacular Halloween parties becoming more popular every year for adults to bring out their inner child and show off their best fancy-dress costumes that they’ve been waiting all year to wear!

If you have friends or family abroad, no matter what age, make sure they don’t miss out on all the fun by sending them a box of classic British retro sweets. Who wouldn’t love diving into a box containing Drumsticks, Love hearts, Refreshers, Dib Dabs, Jelly Babies and Sherbet Fountains? It can be really difficult to find these classic sweets abroad, and it is amazing how many nostalgic memories they can bring back, especially at this time of year.

We have designed the perfect box to send for Halloween to make friends or family abroad smile, our Sweet Memories British Gift Box. All of the classic favourites are included, as well as some little souvenirs to keep after you’ve devoured all the goodies!

Order your British Gift Box by the 24th October to ensure it arrives before the deadly date of Halloween! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team on 0118 380 0209 or drop us a message at hello@britishgiftbox.com.

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Brits Abroad – Do You Still Experience These 12 Very British Problems?

Winston Churchill perceptively said of the British “We are masters of the unsaid words but slaves of those we let slip out”. This characteristic manifests itself in various socially awkward situations and dilemmas in our everyday lives that define how Brits often see themselves and was even the subject of a humorous Channel 4 programme a couple of years ago. For those who have moved abroad to work, study or live, it made us think… which of these very British problems do you still grapple with as a Brit abroad:

1/ Extending the never-ending arguments about the best way to make tea or the Marmite debate to your non-British friends, much to their bewilderment

2/ Not being able to eat a Jaffa Cake or even talk about it without raising the cake vs. biscuit debate

3/ Not quite catching someone’s name, meaning that you can never speak to them again

4/ Saying sorry to the person who just walked into you as if it was your fault

5/ Not wanting to use an exclamation mark yet worrying you’ll come across as miserable if you don’t

6/ Attempting to keep your birthday quiet at work so you don’t have to buy everyone cakes

7/ Avoiding stepping into an empty shop for fear you’ll end up buying something out of politeness

8/ Attempting to confront a queue jumper by staring fiercely at the back of their head

9/ Replying ‘Yes, we should definitely do that sometime’ to mean it’s never going to happen… ever

10/ Declaring to the waiter that your meal was ‘lovely’, having complained to everyone else at the table that you were thinking about sending it back

11/ Consciously turning a full 180 degrees and staring determinedly into the distance while someone enters their pin code

12/ Noticing one small bit of blue sky and immediately buying strawberries, cream, Pimms and sun cream, whilst organising a weekend to the beach.

What other aspects of your Britishness have you taken with you and how has it gone down in your host countries?

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And the Winner of Our Competition Is….

After an exciting couple of weeks, our competition has sadly ended! It has been great hearing from you all about your favourite British snacks, but we’re afraid there can only be one winner.

So, without further ado…

We are pleased to announce that Ms J Ellis is the lucky winner of a British Gift Box, to be delivered anywhere in the world!

Based in the UK, Ms J Ellis can choose  to send her choice of British Nibbles Box to anyone in the world, whether that be family abroad missing those classic treats, a friend needing a pick-me-up from homesickness, or someone living afar who has a special occasion coming up! With so many amazing themed British Gift Boxes to choose from, there is a box full of favourites for anyone, including Pub Snax, Chocoholics Anonymous, School Lunchbox and Classic Nibbles.

Even if you weren’t lucky enough to win a box, browse through our great value British Gift Boxes to get those cravings!

Follow us on Facebook to keep updated with all our new products, offers and upcoming competitions.

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British Gift Box: Mission To Unite

Our mission at British Gift Box is to connect people, sustain relationships across countries and continents and bring a bit of British joy to the world. Our business is really just about giving you a convenient yet heartfelt opportunity to send a variety of quintessentially British products overseas, to give someone the taste of home and to genuinely touch them, making them smile. Show your love and affection through a box of nostalgic favourites, from Hobnobs to Jelly Babies to Yorkshire Tea to Twiglets.

Whether that person is a friend, family member, an employee or just yourself as an expat wanting a treat, our boxes of goodies are perfect for anyone who is missing the comforts of home and can’t easily get hold of their British favourites. We also know that a personal touch to any gift is essential, so offer personal messages and printed photos to go alongside our boxes.

We undertook extensive research to understand what it was that people missed the most from home and have designed a number of attractive themed Gift Boxes that people would love (there is something for everyone!). We purchase the products for our Gift Boxes to order to ensure maximum freshness and product life for you to savour. Our Boxes are also practical for postage and offer the best shipping prices possible to get them anywhere in the world! We want to make gift giving easy and convenient, whilst still keeping the evocative, sentimental and personal touches that all gifts should have.

Subscriptions are the gifts that keep on giving, so we offer a subscription service to our range of Nibbles Boxes at a frequency that you choose – every month, 2 months or quarter. Let your friend or family member know you are thinking of them regularly, or if ordering the boxes for yourself, have the convenience of a box appearing at your door as often as you like! If you’re not sure which box to buy for someone, you can simply buy them a Gift Card voucher, so that they can choose the box that includes all their favourites.

Our team are passionate about making gift giving a great experience for both the giver and receiver. We focus on creating gift boxes that are personal, unique and most importantly delicious, that can be purchased in a convenient, quick and affordable manner.

Check out our gift boxes or find out more about British Gift Box. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with our friendly team if you have any questions.

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What to Consider When Sending Gifts to British Expats

We know how difficult it can be to buy gifts for people who seem to have everything, and if they’re living in a different country then the challenge can be even harder. If they’re lucky enough to live abroad in an exciting location, how can you know what would really make a special impression on them? And if you find something, will it be small enough to ship across the world without getting damaged and without costing a fortune?

These are a few things you should consider before buying and sending off your gift:


Food might be something that comes to mind – some homemade goodies possibly or some of their known favourites? The difficulty is that sending food abroad can get very confusing, as the restrictions to what can be sent over are quite complex, and often change for different countries. For instance, food has to be in the original manufacturer’s packaging, can not be perishable in any way (ruling out most homemade treats), can not contain anything alcoholic and has to get through customs, meaning you have to create a detailed invoice of the contents of your package.

Something Personal

It can be hard to think of something that will really make your friend or family member feel special. Think about sending photos and messages that will remind them of home, as even if they seem to have everything, this is the one thing they don’t have!


Another problem is finding something unbreakable to send. Your parcel may take some rough treatment travelling by land, sky, sea, rail or a combination, meaning there are no guarantees your package will arrive in pristine condition. You will need to buy protective packaging, for instance bubble wrap, packing clips, stretch wrap or padded envelopes.


If you are looking to splash out a little bit more, you will need to look at the available compensation for lost items to ensure a refund will be available from the shipping company. There are conditions to receiving compensation and no Consequential Loss cover is available for International services.

We have been in this difficult situation more times than we can remember, so came up with the perfect solution!

Our British Gift Boxes are the solution!

We have a fantastic variety of Gift Boxes to choose from to suit the preferences of your loved ones abroad, whether they be a lover of pub snacks or a sophisticated cream tea. The box can be personalised with a message and photographs, showing the amount of thought you put into the gift.

We have put in extensive research to finding the best value shipping services for locations all over the world, and have ensured our packaging minimises any possible damage. If items are damaged or lost in transit, we will send you a new one or offer a refund as soon as possible.

We want to help you make your expat friends and family feel loved, and give them a taster of all the British treats that they can’t get hold of where they are!

Have a browse through our gift boxes and subscription packages here.

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Marmite – Love it or hate it, do you know how it came about?

A pot of luck. Marmite was actually created by accident. Justus Von Liebig was a scientist who discovered that brewer’s yeast could be concentrated, bottled and eaten.

French? Marmite is named after a French earthenware pot, as this is what it was packaged in, in its earlier years.

An Award-Winning Goo. Marmite made a real name for itself from the onset, winning two gold medals, one at the Universal Food and Cooking Exhibition (1903) and the other at the Grocery Exhibition (1903).

Marmite Made it Through Both World Wars. As your grandparents may tell you, Marmite was included  in soldiers’ rations in World War 1, as it is packed with vitamins and minerals, especially Vitamin B1. It was also very popular with civilians in the period of World War 2. It was even used as a reminder of home, sent to homesick British peacekeepers and troops in Kosovo in 1999.

A Marmite Sculpture. Yes, there has been a sculpture built in honour of Marmite. Unilever spent £15,000 on ‘Monumite’, now placed next to the main library in Burton-on-Trent.

Squeeze it, spread it, pour it, munch it. In 1974 there was a shortage of the familiar glass jar, so for a period Marmite was sold in standard jam-like jars. Nowadays Marmite can be bought in plastic squeezy bottles, sachets and has even made it as a flavour for Marmite Mini Cheddar Bites, Marmite Crisps and Marmite Rice Cakes.

Mosquitoes are Marmite Haters. Many reports have concluded that the controversial spread is the perfect defence to pesky mosquitoes!

Marmite is now a cult British product (hence Andy Warhol’s iconic piece, Marmite) and has made it through generations of lovers and haters to still be a popular British ‘chuck it in the trolley’ supermarket item.

Marmite is an essential part of our All Day Breakfast Box and our Classic Gastronomy Box, so make sure your expat friends aren’t missing out on this classic treat and grab them a box now!

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What do British Expats Miss the Most About Home?

When you think about Britain, what comes to mind? We’ve been looking into what British Expats miss most, and it might not be what you think!


Living or working abroad means there is no shortage of new, and often exotic, food experiences and cultures for expats to try out. For most people though, the foods that they grew up with and the tastes of home will always have a special place in their hearts and memories… even everyday things such as Heinz Baked Beans or Tetley Teabags. It’s easy to forget that even the simplest items that we hardly think about aren’t sold in other places. A couple of items we know we would miss are Marmite (love it or hate it?), Cadbury Crème Eggs, Pork Scratchings and of course… Cadbury’s Chocolate. Surprisingly, it has been found that the most craved after food for British expats is the beloved British crumpet!

The Weather

This one even caught us by surprise. Other than being the number one topic of small talk, what use is the changeable British weather?

We are so used to the unpredictable drizzle of the UK that many British Expats say that although they love their new climate (lounging on a beach in Australia sounds ideal to us!), the weather, and probably complaining about it, is something they miss most.

The British Sense of Humour

Irony, satire, self-depreciation and sarcasm are ingrained in British culture, and you can hardly go to the local pub without it entering the conversation! This may be something you wouldn’t appreciate until it’s gone.

Our History

Britain has A LOT of history, and many countries don’t even come close to having the prestigious historical grounds and legendary culture that many Britons take for granted. Would you miss the ancient buildings, Roman-laid roads and museums that date back centuries? Or would you swap it for a modern apartment in LA?

Do you know someone who is missing the British lifestyle? Send them over a nostalgic box of favourites to make their day! Have a browse through our gift boxes and subscription packages here.

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